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Hi Guys,

Sorry for writing in English, my Norwegian is really very bad, though I'd like to learn.

I'm travelling to Norway for the first time in February, and I was hoping that I could get some help from people who live in Norway!

First, some background:
I'm travelling with my wife, we are both late 20's and we are from Australia but spent most of our lives living in Hong Kong. I am a network security guy, and wife is a journalist. We are coming to Norway because we want to see the Northern Lights, and also go skiing. We chose Norway because it has such nice scenery, and everyone we ever met from Norway was so friendly.

We want to go to Narvik, Tromsø, and Longyearbyen. Skiing in Narvik, relaxing and hunting for northern lights in Tromsø, and seeing ice caves and polar bears in Svalbard. We chose Narvik for Skiing because the scenery looks so nice, and also I hope we can get a chance to see the northern lights while we are there too.

Does this seem reasonable?

We are also hoping to find someone to stay with in Narvik and Tromsø. I know there are plenty of hotels, but I think it's much more fun if we rent a room from someone around our age instead, since we are going to Norway we really want to spend time with people and get to know the real Norway, not just see things. I'm not sure if there are any classified sites in Norway where people rent out rooms etc, maybe someone here knows?

Thanks for anyone who has time to reply!
Sist endret av vidarlo; 18. desember 2013 kl. 18:37. Grunn: Discussion about availability of drugs not allowed.
Hello and welcome to Norway!

I don't think the language barrier will be that much of a big deal
since most Norwegians speak at least some English, in fact it would probably be easier to communicate in English.
If you dont find anyone to live with in Tromsø. You can check out viking hotel and Amalie hotel. They are a bit cheaper than other hotels but really nice though
I would recommend also trying to visit some of the fjords if you have the time and money. If you are going to Svalbard/Longyearbyen I would also go to Barentsburg, Pyramiden (if it is possible this time at the year, and also "Isfjord Radio".

I had a really nice guide when I went to Svalbard, if you want you could send me a PM and I will give you his contact information.

Have a nice trip!
You have picked the right forum my austrailien friend.
You can try to check out Airdnb.com to check out if thers any room you can rent from nice people. I live on the other side of Norway. If it wasent for that you and your wife would be welkom at my place. Hope you find some nice people up north that can host you. Merry Christmas
Sist endret av PandaFlush; 18. desember 2013 kl. 18:37.
Well, Marijuana is illegal but the black market is thriving on it, you should have no problems in buying it in Tromsø, i Narvik i dont know and good luck with finding any in longyearbyen

If you defice to head further north to Hammerfest, i might be able to help you out with a bedroom, and i might even be able to show you the sights if i have the time..
I'd really liked having you in, but sadly I live far away from Tromsø.. I do however wish you a happy trip!
I don't know of watching "Alt for Norge"/"Everything for Norway" would be of any intrest. It's a norwegian show about norwegian-americans coming ro norway to compete for the opportunity to meet theyr realatives. Languagewise it's a mix of norweagian and english, and they visit alot of different places and gets to see norway in a wery national romantic and sometimes strange way. If you shoud think af an australian version of the the show i would imagine it would involve crocodile hunters, kangoroos, the opera house, sufring with sharks, playing the didjerido and driving truck-trains :P I've never visited the northern norway myself so can't help toy too mutch there.
We got machetes!
Remember to buy some brunost.
Sitat av Junglemafia Vis innlegg
Remember to buy some brunost.
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Not to mention stockfish!
I suggest you check out Lyngsalpene for skiing. Probably the best area for skiing in Norway. Not much more than 2-3 hour drive from Tromsø with the ferry.
Sitat av gazhayes Vis innlegg
Hi Guys,

Sorry for writing in English, my Norwegian is really very bad, though I'd like to learn.

I'm travelling to Norway for the first time in February, and I was hoping that I could get some help from people who live in Norway!

First, some background:
I'm travelling with my wife, we are both late 20's and we are from Australia but spent most of our lives living in Hong Kong. I am a network security guy, and wife is a journalist. We are coming to Norway because we want to see the Northern Lights, and also go skiing. We chose Norway because it has such nice scenery, and everyone we ever met from Norway was so friendly.

We want to go to Narvik, Tromsø, and Longyearbyen. Skiing in Narvik, relaxing and hunting for northern lights in Tromsø, and seeing ice caves and polar bears in Svalbard. We chose Narvik for Skiing because the scenery looks so nice, and also I hope we can get a chance to see the northern lights while we are there too.

Does this seem reasonable?

We are also hoping to find someone to stay with in Narvik and Tromsø. I know there are plenty of hotels, but I think it's much more fun if we rent a room from someone around our age instead, since we are going to Norway we really want to spend time with people and get to know the real Norway, not just see things. I'm not sure if there are any classified sites in Norway where people rent out rooms etc, maybe someone here knows?

Thanks for anyone who has time to reply!
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Why not go to Alta in Finnmark? As it is called the "northen lights town". If I had been in Alta that period you could have stayed at my place, but i am working in a different town.

Edit: writing mistakes.

*Northen lights city
Sist endret av indolence; 18. desember 2013 kl. 18:57.
Sitat av suppesos Vis innlegg
sufring with sharks.
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I hate sufring with sharks, those guys can be depressing :/

Sitat av Realist1 Vis innlegg
Not to mention stockfish!
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And dried raindeer hearts.
You dont have to "hunt" for northern lights. Svalbard, Tromsø, and Naravik are all excelent places to see northern lights. If the conditions are good youll see them no hunting needed.

Ice caves in Svalbard are awesome. But, seeing polar bears are not guaranteed. They are few and kind of hard to find. I've known ppl living in Svalbard for years and still only seen them 1-3times. Take a guided scooter trip with a layover either way; its worth it, bears or not.

If you dont find any one from the forum to stay with in Tromsø there are other places to look. couchsurfing.com is one(you need to register) and there are some here too: http://www.visittromso.no/en/Accommodation/Home-stays/. from other sites it seems Anemone B&B are recommended
When going to Longyearbyen, you should be aware that the sun doesnt come above the horizon until the 15th of February. At least accoring to the calendar, before then you might have something resembling dawn for an hour or two, but most of the time it's dark. Very dark.

Im not trying to crush any dreams here, but seeing polar bears on Svalbard is generally something you have to be lucky to see. However, there are lots of arctic fox, reindeer (this kind only lives on Svalbard, and only become about a meter tall, which is kind of special), seal and maybe the birds are back by then, i dont know for sure.
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Sitat av gazhayes Vis innlegg
We are also hoping to find someone to stay with in Narvik and Tromsø. I know there are plenty of hotels, but I think it's much more fun if we rent a room from someone around our age instead, since we are going to Norway we really want to spend time with people and get to know the real Norway, not just see things. I'm not sure if there are any classified sites in Norway where people rent out rooms etc, maybe someone here knows?
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Take a look at couchsurfing. Maybe you will find someone with a free couch! I don't know about any sites for short term private rentals.
You say you have planned skiing in Narvik, but I can guarantee you both the scenery and the skiing is better in Tromsø. I'm a ski enthusiast, currently based in Sogn og Fjordane, which is one of the best places for skiing in Norway. That beeing said, Tromsø is not very far behind.

If you take a short ferry ride, you'll arrive in Lyngen, mentioned earlier, which is probably the best place for skiing in Norway. Bring a headlight, and you can even ski with the northern lights above your head - if you're lucky.

To be honest, Narvik isn't much of a city. If I were you, it would definitely not be one of my priorities.

I'll be back in Tromsø for a couple of weeks in february, contact me while you're there. If I'm free, I'll gladly bring a couple of friends and take you and your wife skiing. We'll provide ride, and adapt the difficulty of the trip according to your skills. I can't provide housing, but what I can do is guarantee you that we'll take you to the places with the best snow conditions in Tromsø. Bring a smile, and we'll bring weed and good company!

Best of luck!
Sist endret av Nether; 18. desember 2013 kl. 23:20.
Tromsø is maybe the smallest metropol in the world. Its the place for people like yourselves, and both to regards og skiing and northern lights you should go there.

I regret to say that I dont know anyone in Tromsø.. But the "nordlendingene" (the "northereners") are very friendly and usually spend the wintertime inside infront of the fireplace drinking black coffe and "karsk" (the lokal liqur). And they are also very friendly.
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Sitat av lydmannen Vis innlegg
Tromsø is maybe the smallest metropol in the world. Its the place for people like yourselves, and both to regards og skiing and northern lights you should go there.

I regret to say that I dont know anyone in Tromsø.. But the "nordlendingene" (the "northereners") are very friendly and usually spend the wintertime inside infront of the fireplace drinking black coffe and "karsk" (the lokal liqur). And they are also very friendly.
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Last time I checked we didn't have local liquor in Tromsø, hehe. Other than Mack, the most northern brewery.
Sist endret av uaexed; 19. desember 2013 kl. 01:08.
And "hjæmbrent" a.k.a moonshine, but to be honest, people theese days have no respect for the fine art of making and drinking a proper batch of "hjæmbrent" anymore :/
Hello, i would highly advice you to take a trip to Porsanger and get on a Snowmobile tour that lasts a few days. You will not find a clearer sky and more alien feeling when you are far out on the snow plateau.

Served there 1 1/2 years in the Army and would highly advice it, aslong as you are there for the nature. Lakselv ain't that intresting town hehe

Here is a link that you where you can check it out.


All i can guarantee is that you will have the experience of a lifetime!
www.couchsurfing.org great place to meet up with people like yourselves
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Drosjesjåføren holdt på å kjøre av veien fordi han så noen nakne menn, står det. Seriøst? Har ikke verden kommet lengre enn at slikt ikke er sjokkerende lengre?
▼ ... over en måned senere ... ▼
2 0
Hi guys,

Thanks for all your replies! It is *very* useful.

So, now we have decided not to stay in Narvik (boring), and also Svalbard (we'll come back when there's more daylight). Instead we will stay longer in Tromsø area and Lyngen Alps. We might go to Alta and Porsanger as well, see how it goes.

And now an important question: We're going to Stockholm after, and there is a sleeping train from Narvik to Stockholm, but does anyone know how difficult it is to get tickets? Do we need to buy it early? We want to get the tickets as late as possible so that we can be more flexible. The "official" information is too "official".

Of course, if anyone is in Tromsø sometime during 27 Jan - 4 Feb let me know

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I'm so worried about bringing enough clothes, but maybe I don't need to bring so many hahaha

@Nether I will send you a PM, hopefully we can catch up in Tromsø.
Sitat av gazhayes Vis innlegg
And now an important question: We're going to Stockholm after, and there is a sleeping train from Narvik to Stockholm, but does anyone know how difficult it is to get tickets? Do we need to buy it early? We want to get the tickets as late as possible so that we can be more flexible. The "official" information is too "official".
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You should be able to buy tickets at http://www.nsb.no , it's fairly easy to get tickets and i doubt this is a train that sells out often. Email NSB and ask them to be sure.
Sitat av Forconin Vis innlegg
You should be able to buy tickets at http://www.nsb.no , it's fairly easy to get tickets and i doubt this is a train that sells out often. Email NSB and ask them to be sure.
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Tickets from Narvik to Stockholm have to be purchased from the Swedish Rail Company. http://www.sj.se/start/startpage/index.form?l=en
Sitat av gazhayes Vis innlegg
I'm so worried about bringing enough clothes, but maybe I don't need to bring so many hahaha
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Layers is the rule.
What I wear when spending time outside in cold weather.
Wool thermal underwear ("long johns") then sweatpants and as the outer layer wind blocking pants like skiing/snow scooter wear. Same for top.
If you're not going to be very active and don't need to be agile I'd suggest an overall (the kind made for cold weather)) for the outher layer rather than pants and a jacket, this because it eliminates the gap between pants and jacket obviously.
You should check out the winter activities offered by Tour In Lyngenalps. A broad selection of stuff to do. I would definitely check out their 2-day snowmobile safari (Norway-Sweden-Finland).
Come to Kirkenes and live a night on the snowhotel =)

They have snowmobile tours, husky-trips, kingcrab etc.
And they have just moved into a new place, and it looks amazing
No need to hunt for aurora borealis. Check out this link: http://kho.unis.no/Forecast.htm