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  20 1948
The Sun is overheating and will soon blow up . . . taking Earth and the rest of the solar system with it, scientists warn.

The alert was issued after an international satellite photographed a massive explosion on the surface of the Sun that sent a plume of fire 30 times longer than the diameter of Earth blasting into space.

"It's a sign that the Sun is ready to blow . . . I don't know if I can put it any more plainly than that," says Dutch astrophysicist Dr. Piers Van der Meer, a top expert affiliated with the European Space Agency.

"It will be like a nuclear bomb trillions of times more powerful than the one dropped on Hiroshima going off at the center of our solar system.

"When that happens Earth will be instantly incinerated along with all life on it. It's like when a marshmallow falls into a fire, blackens and melts."

Scientists say the problem is the Sun is literally getting too hot.

The core temperature of the Sun is normally 27 million degrees Fahrenheit. But in recent years it's climbed to an alarming 49 million degrees, says Dr. Van der Meer, leader of a team of Amsterdam-based space scientists who've been tracking the changes in the Sun.

"It's quite similar to when a star goes supernova at the end of its life," Dr. Van der Meer explains. "Over the past 11 years, we've seen our Sun go through changes frighteningly like those that took place in Kepler's Star right before it was observed going supernova in 1604."

Temperatures on the surface of the Sun have been steadily climbing over the past decade, the scientists say.

"This, we believe, not man-made pollution, is responsible for global warming and the alarming effects that we've seen take place on Earth such as the melt-down of the Antarctic ice shelves," asserted Dr. Van der Meer.

The July 1 images were taken by the space-based Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO), a satellite designed to study the internal structure of the Sun and operated jointly by NASA and the European Space Agency.

"The explosion . . . known technically as an eruptive prominence . . . was colossal," said Dr. Van der Meer. "This is the final warning sign we've all been dreading."

The Dutch scientists calculate that if temperatures keep climbing at the current rate the Sun will be unable to sustain itself.

"It will blow apart like an out-of-control nuclear reactor within six years," predicts Dr. Van der Meer.

NASA refuses to confirm the Euro-pean scientists' assertions and a White House source said, "We don't need anyone spreading more panic now."
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På tide å sette heroinsprøyta og ha det litt morro før man dør?
Better than thou.
Vet ikke hva jeg skal si... WE'RE ALL GOING TO DIE!!!!!!!!

Hey.. calm down.. I know exactly how to deal with this kind of situations.... PANIIIIC!!!!
det oser jo hoax av den der da.

det var visstnok en nederlandsk jallaside som hadde skrevet det.

på overskriften på yahoo.com står det faktisk "Latest News & Gossip - Weekly World News "

Gossip = rykter.

Det eneste jeg konkluderer med etter å ha sett det der, er at yahoo har utrolig uprofesjonelle skribenter.
Det er bare piss. Som blitzer sier, at yahoo er uprofesjonelle, og at det er rykter. Og hvis dette hadde vært sant, hadde det ikke kommet litt lenger enn bare yahoo gossip?
He he, hvis du følger linken til WeeklyWorldNews som har skrevet artikkelen så skjønne du hvor de har fått det fra.


Masse spennende nyheter..

We ARE going to die...
Bullshit spor du meg...
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er dagens =)

Aliens og en eksploderende sol? Nå er vi faen meg ille ute
Better than thou.
Røyken, Norway - Five teens started a cult today with only one goal, world domination. Let's commite mass-suicide now so their plan fails.
Før eller siden dæver vi uansett....

Smoke `em if u got `em
Er vel egentlig særdeles vi kan gjøre mot den trusselen, hvorfor har ikke hollywood laget en film om dette, slik at vi kan sikre oss mot dette problemet også....
Zpeef: Timmeh Hadde nokk likt å hørt d her. Du må tipsa an.
vi kommer dog til å kollidere med en galaxe om 6 mrd. år
hva så? forandrer det noe da?
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Opprinnelig postet av tore-
hva så? forandrer det noe da?
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Vi dør. Det er nokså vesentlig.
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"Vi" er vel kanskje ikke ordet og bruke her Gusto
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