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Sitat av gazhayes Vis innlegg
Hi Guys,

Sorry for writing in English, my Norwegian is really very bad, though I'd like to learn.

I'm travelling to Norway for the first time in February, and I was hoping that I could get some help from people who live in Norway!

First, some background:
I'm travelling with my wife, we are both late 20's and we are from Australia but spent most of our lives living in Hong Kong. I am a network security guy, and wife is a journalist. We are coming to Norway because we want to see the Northern Lights, and also go skiing. We chose Norway because it has such nice scenery, and everyone we ever met from Norway was so friendly.

We want to go to Narvik, Tromsø, and Longyearbyen. Skiing in Narvik, relaxing and hunting for northern lights in Tromsø, and seeing ice caves and polar bears in Svalbard. We chose Narvik for Skiing because the scenery looks so nice, and also I hope we can get a chance to see the northern lights while we are there too.

Does this seem reasonable?

We are also hoping to find someone to stay with in Narvik and Tromsø. I know there are plenty of hotels, but I think it's much more fun if we rent a room from someone around our age instead, since we are going to Norway we really want to spend time with people and get to know the real Norway, not just see things. I'm not sure if there are any classified sites in Norway where people rent out rooms etc, maybe someone here knows?

Thanks for anyone who has time to reply!
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Why not go to Alta in Finnmark? As it is called the "northen lights town". If I had been in Alta that period you could have stayed at my place, but i am working in a different town.

Edit: writing mistakes.

*Northen lights city
Sist endret av indolence; 18. desember 2013 kl. 18:57.