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Har funnet noen sopper jeg tror er amanita pantherina, har tørka dem nå og trenger egentlig bare klarsignal fra dere.

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du spiser ikke amanita phalloides, den er dødelig giftig. det samme gjelder amanita virosa (medium liten og helt hvit), eller vanlig og spiss giftslørsopp. dette er tre av de mest annerkjente dødelige giftsoppene i norge.

jeg skriver heller ikke om amanita pantherina.
denne posten dreier seg utelukkende om amanita muscaria. rød fluesopp.

amanita pantherina kan du lese om fra en dude med erfaring - her:

Utkast fra Mycotopia,
om hallusinugene doser Amanita Pantherina:

'An IMPORTANT note: Amanita Pantherinas are NOT just super potent Amanitas. The Pantherina experience is one that should only be undertaken after many successful Muscaria voyages (even then…wow…). Pantherina can and will destroy you, given a chance. If the Amanita teacher is “mildly annoyed” by your intrusions, the Pantherina teacher is OPENLY PISSED. Amanita Pantherina is truly a sleeping giant. Also, unlike Muscaria, Pantherina looks very similar to the highly toxic Amanita Phallodies (especially mature, sun bleached Pantherinas). NEVER TRY TO GATHER PANTHERINAS UNLESS YOU KNOW EXACTLY WHAT YOU ARE DOING. Identify all Pantherina’s by spore print as well as physical characteristics (get a good field guide with color plates of fruit & spores). A sober guide is essential if you want to experience high dose Pantherina. I’ve done them a few times and they scare the living
shit out of me. I’ll stick with Muscaria 99% of the time, thank you very much. Pantherina is very much a “special occasion” thing, far more so than Muscaria. As a friend once told me, “He who comes to Muscaria unprepared for the experience will be made into a sweaty, twitchy fool. He who comes to Pantherina unprepared is lucky to escape with his sanity.”'

Hallinugene doser Amanita Muscaria:

'Simply put, an Heroic dose of Amanita Muscaria (14+ grams) is just about as “pleasurable” as your first DMT breakthrough. High doses of this mushroom are NOT fun (except, perhaps, in retrospect). I know this will intrigue some of you, but it really shouldn’t. This is not bullshit propaganda cranked out by a society that wants you to stay a nice little consumer cog. This is personal advice from a psychonaut who wants you to stretch your mind just as far as you can (and perhaps a bit “further…”). Said psychonaut would, however, like to see you actually enjoy the process!'