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Alle burde sjekke ut ... Zion Train

Zion Train are Dub/Dance pioneers and have been undisputed leaders in the genre for more than 15 years. The band are heavily involved in alternative and DIY underground culture and have been since the 90s as well as being purveyors of the finest Roots Reggae music throughout this period. They are one of the finest live dub acts in the world and promoted the practice of dynamic onstage dub mixing which they perform alongside acoustic instruments and the best live vocalists.
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Noe av den beste duben jeg har hørt.. Veldig reggae-inspirert, noe jeg liker veldig godt. Masse old-school inflytelser fra bla. Bob Marley osv., samtidig som det er mye nytt og eksperimentalt i tillegg. Nytes best med et skikkelig annlegg og skikkelig lydkvalitet (bass er veldig viktig)

Sist endret av Exmagician; 7. oktober 2009 kl. 23:23.